Matchroom announce date for Dillian Whyte vs Alexander Povetkin rematch

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It's official - Whyte vs Povetkin 2 will be taking place in the UK on November 21st

British Heavyweight and former WBC no.1 contender Dillian Whyte has the chance to avenge the brutal KO he suffered at the hands of Russian veteran Alexander Povetkin.

Whyte and Povetkin headlined week 4 of Matchroom's Fight Camp last month in a match that ended with what will surely be the knock out of the year.

In a fight that he'd been comfortably winning - having dropped Povetkin twice - Whyte was suddenly and brutally KO'd in the 5th round when Povetkin found a home for the most perfect of uppercuts.

Immediately after the fight, Whyte asked Promoter Eddie Hearn to get him the rematch and went on to tell IFL TV: "I was a bit devastated, but I was alright... I didn't get beat up or anything, I didn't get outboxed I didn't get manhandled... I just got caught with a peach of a punch".

"Let's go, round 2, same attitude, same maximum violence... nothing's changed. I ain't been like... I want a warm-up fight, no, let's go. I came out that ring last Saturday literally feeling ready to go again straight away".

The rematch - scheduled for 21 November - will take place in the UK with a venue yet to be announced. It isn't known yet whether or not fans will be present for the event.

Matchroom's Eddie Hearn told Sky Sports Boxing: "Royal Albert Hall, Wembley Arena - two places we're looking at. Obviously subject to fans returning is where we will be staging the event. With or without fans that takes place November 21st".

"Just a few weeks ago Dillian Whyte was picking himself up from this canvas and now he gets a chance to try and avenge that defeat. It's gonna be very difficult, very dangerous, and they're gonna do it all over again. Whyte Povetkin 2".

Watch the first fight from week 4 of Fight Camp below -

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